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Defensive Cover Again Combo Routes in Zone

Zone and Man coverage are essential in today's game of football. Offensive coaches are finding innovative means to spread the brawl around the field. The key is to play sound pass coverage. Zone coverage and human coverage differ from one another.

Zone coverage is when defensive players embrace a zone, or area of the field to protect against the pass. Human coverage is when defenders follow the man, or receiver, on any road they run.

Permit's learn the unlike types of zone coverage, and how coaches implement them to stop passing offenses.

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Nosotros're going to highlight five coverages:

  • Homo coverage with Cover 0
  • Man Coverage with Cover ane
  • Zone Coverage with Cover 2
  • Zone Coverage with Cover 3
  • Zone Coverage with Cover 4
  • Combo Coverage with Cover 6

Nosotros like to teach coverages here at vIQtory by the number of "deep defenders." If the coverage is encompass 3, there are 3 deep defenders—comprehend 2, two deep defenders, and so on.

Different Types Of Human being & Zone Coverage

Encompass 0

Deep Defenders: 0

cover 0

The cover 0 defense is oftentimes called behind a blitz (a 6 man pressure). Teams volition rush half dozen  defenders and cover the 5 eligible receivers man to homo. Nosotros ofttimes have seen a heavy dose of press human coverage coupled with cover 0.

Teams do this to muddle up the wide receivers and get to the quarterback as before long equally possible.

Comprehend 1

cover 1

Deep Defenders: 1

Embrace i is similar to embrace 0, although instead of bringing a rush ( half dozen homo force per unit area), the defense will bring a dog (5 man pressure).

Defenses can besides double team broad receivers with comprehend 1, as they take an actress defender (when running a iv-man front).

Cover 2

cover 2

Deep Defenders: two

Embrace ii is the kickoff zone coverage in our serial of zone coverages. Whereas cover 1 has one deep defender with human coverage underneath, embrace two has two deep defenders, and all the underneath defenders are playing zone.

Cover two is useful to defend against teams that similar to throw crossing routes or short routes. It does, nevertheless, put a tremendous corporeality of stress on the deep defenders. Ultimately the 2 deep defenders are responsible for splitting the field in half. Each defender must cover 26.6 yards each. That's a lot!

Cover three

cover 3

Deep Defenders: 3

Cover 3 is the most balanced zone coverage as it has 3 deep defenders and 4 underneath defenders. The deep defenders are at present splitting the field into thirds. Adding a third person to the mix at present cuts the field to embrace 17.76 Yards for each deep defender to cover.

Underneath, the field is frequently separate into 2 different zones on each side of the football:

  • Hook/Curl
  • Flats

Cover 4

cover 4

Deep Defenders: 4

Also known as umbrella coverage, embrace iv has 4 deep defenders which are splitting the field into 13.325 yards.

Cover 4'southward weakness however, is the underneath coverage.

Like how nosotros broke down the comprehend 3 deep defenders, cover 4 relies on 3 underneath defenders to encompass 17.76 yards each.

Typically the underneath defenders volition cover 3 specific areas

  • True Centre of the field
  • Flats

Coaches however take gotten artistic over the years with showing a encompass 4, influencing flat routes, and using the corners to rob underneath routes.

Cover 6

We've covered the types of man coverage, now let's look at a different type of zone coverage. The Cover vi defence is another blazon of zone defensive scheme. Information technology is like to the Encompass-2, Comprehend-iii, and Cover-4 defensive looks but differs in a primal way; it is not obvious what Encompass-vi means. Permit's get-go with a motion picture of the coverage:

cover 6

Encompass six is a split field coverage where half of the defense is playing cover 4, and the other half is playing cover two. It'south a way to off-prepare the coverage for the offense to confuse them.

The Deep Coverage

We can see that it carries elements of both a Comprehend-4 and a Cover-two scheme. On i side of the field, nosotros see the Cornerback dropping back to take 1/4 of the deep field with the rubber on that side taking the adjacent i/4. This leaves the other safe left the responsibleness of handling the other i/two of the deep field.

It is reasonable to look that the cornerback who drops deep is doing so on the same side which in that location is a nickel, or slot, corner. This is because this defensive back is more adept at covering the boundary zone than a linebacker is.

The Underneath Coverage

With one cornerback dropping deep downfield to take a 1/4, the underneath coverage has to rotate to make full this gap. Since we at present know the corner that rolls deep is typically on the aforementioned side equally the nickel corner, we assume that the nickel corner will move to the boundary.

The remaining linebacker core and another cornerback essentially driblet into a zone where they are. As shown in the prototype to a higher place, this results in about each player owning one/4 of the underneath field. The responsibilities underneath look very similar to a Cover-3 defense.

Strengths/Weaknesses of Cover 6

The strengths and weaknesses come from who is on the field at the time this defence is called. A nickel bundle vs. a 4-3 (or fifty-fifty a dime package) will dictate the speed and coverage skills on the players on the field. An offense could look to exploit a linebacker (as opposed to a corner) dropping all the way to the boundary. On the flip side, the offense may look to run the brawl toward the nickel corner side if they favor that matchup over going toward a linebacker instead.

Zone defense is decumbent to a play-action play. If either safety or the corner with deep 1/4 responsibility bites on a fake, it tin leave a huge opening for the criminal offence to exploit. Like any defense, Cover 6 should be used as part of a mix of looks to confuse an crime and not necessarily used every bit the base scheme.

Co-ordinate to Pro Football Focus, the Chicago Bears ran this significantly more than any other team in the NFL, with their usage topping the Rams in 2d place. Note that these teams only used this scheme in under twenty% of their snaps.


Playing human or zone coverage is completely upwardly to the coach. There are advantages and disadvantages of all coverage. We recommend choosing the coverage that best fits the team you lot're going to play.


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